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Homework Remembering Se Grade 3: How to Ace Your Assignments and Tests


Homework is due every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:59pm (see calendar) on Lon-Capa. Ask questions on Lon Capa discussion boards and if you need more help, don't hestitate to come to the office hours at 703 South Wright St (Room 31). (No late hw accepted but lowest 3 hw scores dropped) Exam Schedule There will be 2 evening exams and a Final. See Exam Schedule for dates, times and locations. Grade for Required Work Click here for a grade calculator.

homework remembering se grade 3

We intend to run each student's SpecificationTests againsteach other student's assignment, and how you fare will determine asmall part of your grade. (It would not make sense for us to do thiscross-checking with ImplementationTests. If you don't knowwhy,please reviewthe difference between the two varieties of tests until youunderstand this point.)

If you choose to write a generic class, be aware that Eclipse'sbuilt-in compiler sometimes handles generics differentlyfrom javac, the standard command-line compiler. This meanscode that compiles in Eclipse may not compile when we run ourgrading scripts, leaving us unable to test your code and significantlyimpacting your grade. You MUST periodically make sure your codecompiles (builds) with javac by running ant buildfrom the hw5 directory. You can do this in one of two ways:

Leading from the front, Debbie regularly pulled double shifts, just like we had to, once the exodus had concluded. She was a single mother. Her little girl would often come to work with her, sitting at table twelve in the corner, where Debbie could always keep an eye on her from anywhere in the restaurant. We would cook her mini pizzas and chicken wings while she quietly worked on her homework.

2 - Trivial PSQs like "how to solve this limit with l'Hospital" or "how to prove that this set of vectors is linearly independent" still abound and get many simultaneous fully detailed answers within a minute. I had no opinion about that when I started my activity here. But I have read all the discussions about homework issues and I agree MSE should not be known as a place to get your homework quickly done for free. As a result, I started by the end of april to answer about five to ten times fewer questions than I used to since january.

Questions: a) Does MSE really gain or lose something when such specific users specialized in interesting PSQs cease their activity? b) What could be done to increase the consistency of the treatment of PSQs on MSE? c) Shouldn't we treat separately interesting PSQs that have an answer in books or are well-known folklore, and the average isolated homework PSQs in elementary linear algebra or calculus?

What can be done to treat these folks more consistently? How do we get a democracy to get behind a single idea? Yikes - the intense feelings expressed here about anything homework-seeming (which the PSQs described above are not) are enough to drive a shy newcomer away. The thing is - it is obvious that some PSQs are not homework. Are we going to assume that some sadistic prof is going to pose this as HW? Maybe we should at least recognize these and welcome them rather than robotically hurl "why are you posing this problem?" type interrogations in response.

This would be in lieu of any official policy which tries to define precisely what level of effort should be displayed in a question. As I've said before, there are certain questions for which I think the asker would benefit significantly from not recieving a full, detailed answer, particularly one which doesn't explain the thought process that led to it, until I can see what their thoughts are on the problem - in particular, I can then be sure that they've actually spent some time thinking about the problem at all and aren't simply rushing to meet a homework deadline. (My reasons for wanting to prevent such answers are explained at some length at ). There is a large overlap between such questions and PSQs, but they aren't one and the same. For example, I think I would be more likely to want to prevent such answers to a conceptual question (we get lots about undergraduate linear algebra that fall into this category) where the asker is more likely to have a conceptual problem, whereas I'm happier for questions that ask how to compute a difficult integral to remain open (particularly as "providing thoughts" in this case is most likely to just lead to a huge list of algebraic manipulations that didn't go anywhere). 2ff7e9595c


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